Very rarely do we hear someone introduce themselves with " Hello, my name is such and such and I'm a servant"

I've never had anyone say those words to me, and more sadly, I myself have never introduced myself in such a way.
I'm pondering this thought today as I was reading the book of James chapter 1.
In the Bible, the authors usually addressed themselves first and then addressed who they were writing to next.
James was the author of this book entitled James. He was also a preacher, a leader, and an apostle. Even more amazing, he was an actual biologically human brother of Jesus Christ.
But what I find amazing is that he doesn't address himself as any of those things in this book that he writes.
He has so much to brag on and so much to esteem himself in but instead he chooses to brag on being a servant.
He even makes it seems as though he has two masters
He said he's a servant of God (who is our Creator and Father) AND a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ (who is the Son of God, who is also the SAVIOR of the world). Both are God but James makes a distinct separation of the persons of God that He serves.
I still can't get over the brother part. Imagine walking around and saying, "Hello, I'm my brother's servant".?
He's a servant. That was all he wanted the world to know.
I am truly convicted of this, as I don't believe I have ever boasted in being just a servant for God and my Savior Jesus Christ. I have never introduced myself to anyone like " hi, my name is Kim.. I'm a servant of God and Jesus Christ"
The truth is we want everyone to know our name and then everything else that we are, so that we can be seen and known.
But very rarely do we want others to know that we're just servants of somebody else.
I'm very thankful for James' humility here, as it convicts me today.
Faith to Rest in Jesus is what causes us to not want to be seen and to only want Jesus to be seen.
When we finally see who Jesus really is through Faith (evidence of the unseen), we will care less if the world ever knows another thing about us. We would want the world to know the God & Jesus of the unseen that we serve!
If you're reading this, I want to reintroduce myself to you.
Hello, my name is Kim, a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ!
The God & Jesus who created the majestic clouds in the picture above, that's who I am a servant of!
Who are you?
If you had a chance to introduce yourself to someone today, what would you say of yourself?
How are you introducing yourself this year?
May Jesus help me, and may He help you as well, to brag more about being His servant so that He can be seen more than we are seen.
In 2025, May Jesus be more Alive
Happy New Year!
James 1:1
[1] James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ...."