Without the Birth of Jesus, where would we be, who would we be and what would we have?

This year, I've been really focusing on the birth of Jesus and what it means. Although there is so much to share, I will share just a few thoughts.
Jesus' birth is truly the First gift Of Grace extended to us from God.
Grace is God giving us what we don't deserve. Why would any of us deserve Jesus? Someone who gave up His very life for ours.
Jesus is the FIRST gift of Grace.
If we've never opened the gift of Jesus, we never get to the other gifts of grace that comes with Him.
Rest is one of those gifts
But in order for us to open this gift called Jesus
He had to be born
A baby!? Our GOD chose to become a BABY just for you and I?
Yes! Our God, our Creator, lowered Himself, removed Himself from His throne, and became a baby
He became a gift that we could open FREELY .
Now to everyone who opens this gift called Jesus, we gain all other gifts that come with Him
But Jesus is the FIRST GIFT! Many of us want the gifts that come with Jesus without having Jesus Himself. It does not work like that. It's Jesus First then everything else follows.
THE BIRTH OF JESUS is so important because it is the source of our very lives
Without the birth of Jesus, there would be no death of Jesus. Without the birth of Jesus there would be no salvation of Jesus, without the birth of Jesus there would be no rest from Jesus
Jesus was born as a Baby FOR YOU!
Have you opened that first gift of Jesus' Birth?
Have you pondered how powerful and how important this birth was?
Jesus says come to Him but It's impossible for us to come to Him if He didn't first come to us!
This is why He had to be born as a baby for us, on the Earth. He came to us First so that it would be easy for us to come to Him.
If you've never accepted and believed the first gift of grace, which is the birth of Jesus, and would like to, please comment below or email me privately. I would love to share with you.
If you've opened this first gift of Jesus Birth and you've received everything else that comes with it but you don't feel like you have or maybe you feel like you've fallen from them all...I invite you, come back to Jesus! He's already come to you! He will GIVE you Rest! Imagine that! On Christmas, receiving Gifts from Jesus, our King and our God!
Life starts with Jesus' Birth, and it will ALWAYS start with His Birth.
He was born to Give us Life, His Life.
Rest started with Jesus' Birth and it will ALWAYS start with His Birth.
He was born to Give us Rest, His Rest.
I encourage you to stop today and think about the birth of Jesus and why it is extremely important for you and I.
What were you able to come up with? Comment below:
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