The Creator of the END(S)

Published on 9 January 2025 at 18:55

Have you ever pondered that God is the Creator of the ENDS? Not just beginning, which is amazing within itself

Speaking of Creator, look at what God Created in this picture above. I have been so in love with this flower ever since I saw it a few days ago. No one but God can make something so sweet and beautiful come from a tiny seed.


Today I have been pondering the insane truth of this verse that has really hit me.

My brother and I were reading it over the phone and as I was reading it, it slapped me in the face.


Isaiah 40:28

 ......... the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth........


God is the Creator of the ENDS as well, not just beginning!!!

Also note that "Ends" is plural, notating more than one end. 

That's interesting!


If God is the Creator of the Ends, then He knows each and every End.

But if He knows our Ends, shouldn't He know how we get to them?

And if He knows how we get to our Ends, shouldn't we be spending time asking for more Faith to believe them?

And if He gave us more Faith about our Ends and the how we get there, wouldn't that make us believe and Rest more, as we watch and see what He's Created our ends to be, come to Life in us and through us?


God, being the Creator of our Ends is so valuable when it comes to circumstances of our lives that we are unsure of.

Our Ends are in the unseen. It's impossible to work for an end that you can't see and don't know.

Only Jesus can give reality of our Ends and can give evidence of our ends in each circumstance. That reality and that evidence is called, "Faith". (Hebrews 11:1)



- Wondering how your job search is going to end...God already created that end.

- Wondering if you're going to get married or not...God has already created that end.

you just have to believe!

That's an insane thought!


The Ends are already Created, which means every end, for every single situation in your life, is already done!

Everything is truly Finished as Jesus said on the cross.


All things work together for them that love God! This is a promise about each one of our ends from the God who created them (Romans 8:28)


Each end created by God is good in the eyes of God, whether we think it's good or not and whether we like it or not. Often times we are afraid of what the end is, that God created for us. What if it's not how WE want a certain situation to end? So we don't come to Him for it and we don't trust Him. This causes us to try and work to create our own desirable ends and not accept the ends God wants.


If we ask God for more Faith of our ends, He will give it. Faith will make His created ends for us more desirable and something worth believing in.


When we stop working for our END(S) and start believing in the words that our End(S) have all been Created by God...

This makes Rest possible and Alive in our soul.


How has this encouraged you today?

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Cindy Giles
2 months ago

Incredible truth, Kimberly.