Back To Egypt In Heart

Published on 22 August 2024 at 17:47

Many of us know the story of the slavery of God's people in Egypt and how God freed them. Did you know it is possible to go back to Egypt without physically being there?


There's a story about an influential man for Jesus, by the name of Stephen. His story is found in Acts.

In Acts 7, Stephen gets to stand up Boldy for Jesus by the Power of the Holy Spirit. He begins to give a speech.


In the speech, he mentioned something so profound that it made me stop and meditate.

He reminds the people that in their hearts, they had turned back to Egypt.


Egypt is a picture of bondage and slavery. Imagine being told, you're in bondage and slavery in your heart.

Many of us think that " going back to Egypt" is by physically going back to a place in our lives that we shouldn't. It can be.

However, Stephen acknowledges it by the Holy Spirit that to go back to Egypt doesn't start in the physical, it's spiritually of the heart.

How many of us are in bondage in heart? Has your heart imprisoned you to itself?


The Bible says that our hearts are so deceitful and that no one can know it. If we think that our hearts will reveal to us what it's enslaving us to, then we've been fooled. Our hearts will never reveal to us what slavery is really going on inside of us.

It is ONLY the Holy Spirit, who can live in us, that can reveal the slavery that He sees, from inside of us.


Here's a small story of Egypt in heart for me. Yes, that's me holding a sweet, beautiful bird! I used to be terrified of birds. I was terrified from 3 years old to age 32. The fear would have me pulling over on the street, hiding under the seat in the car and crying. I would run from every bird and cry if I saw even 1. This year, I've been freed from this fear. You see, I had been attacked by birds and more. I believe I had a "reason" for fear, but I let my fear create a disgust and a hatred for God's creation. Out of nowhere, I started to see that birds were beautiful when I was reading what the Bible said about the sparrows. It broke my heart to see how much God cares for a bird that is the least liked, just because it's common and not as beautiful to others. Jesus slowly started changing me. 3 weeks ago, a stranger asked if I wanted to feed a bird. I got the opportunity to, and it blessed me. Then my husband took me to the zoo where I got be in room with 1000s of birds. We fed them and held them. My heart has been changed in me that my eyes see what Jesus' sees. My fear is at rest, because internally I am freed from the chains of fear. The birds didn't have me in bondage, my fear, hatred, and disgust did. I am so thankful for this freedom, so that I can see God's creation and love God's creation the way He loves them.


What about you? Are you blaming something or someone else, as your Egypt or chains? Have you allowed Jesus to reveal the chains in you so that you may be freed?


When Jesus gives Rest, it's a freedom from bondage in our heart. 

Rest is not about freeing our hands from chains but about freeing our hearts from chains.


Come to Jesus so that He may break the chains inside of you and give you Rest!


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lillian flores
2 months ago

Such a wonderful truth was revealed to you about the birds from a bad experience. The enemy used to create a false pretense that made you fear but blessed be the name of the Lord fear was unveiled by the love of the Holy Spirit. You allowed yourself to be surrounded by your fear and the Holy Spirit helped you think things through and reason in your heart and you were freed from fear itself . You were able to see the true beauty and intention of love behind Gods creation despite a bad experience you overcame and experienced Gods love when you interacted with the birds the enemy wanted to keep you from the truth and he thought he succeeded by twisting the scenario but he was wrong. The truth of Gods love for his creation was revealed. God cares for the birds and fear was lifted and casted away. Love is the reason. Everything God lovingly and intentionally created is loved and perfect.

Weight for Rest
2 months ago

Amen! Praise Jesus! The enemy will always fight but the Lord will always win! Praise Jesus for His freedom by the gift of the Holy Spirit!

2 months ago

Hi, this message was spot on. I deal with fear in many areas of my life, and I just cope instead of facing them head on. I try to rationalize it, but it holds me back.

I also appreciate how you highlighted that our hearts are deceptive. I always thought I had a “good” heart, but never thought to connect with the Holy Spirit to change my heart, and search it. I have been living on yesterdays grace and not seeking Him everyday for new mama, and that includes a change of the heart. Thank you for this beautiful post. God Bless You

Weight For Rest
2 months ago

Praise Jesus! Our hearts are the masters of our bondage. Only the Holy Spirit can break that bondage. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. May He continue to help us all as we allow Him to reveal the chains and then break the chains, no matter how bad it hurts.

2 months ago

This message has truly blessed me and my walk in Christ. It has edified my look of my life and made me realize my heart may have some chains needing to be broken! I praise the Lord for this message and for his gift of rest. Such a beautiful read!!!

Weight For Rest
2 months ago

Amen! Thank you so much for being vulnerable and sharing that. Not many of us are willing to admit the chains that all of us have in heart.