Clean Me! No!

Published on 18 July 2024 at 16:39

The Person of the Holy Spirit is often neglected and rarely acknowledged. He is our present help on this earth. Could it be that we're too afraid to encounter Him? Could it be that it sounds too scary for us? The Holy Spirit is God Himself! 

When Jesus died, He gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is a baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is a cleansing that happens from within.


Did you know that we as flesh alone, cannot inherit the Kingdom of God without the Holy Spirit? The Bible says in I Corinthians 15:50 that flesh and blood cannot inherit it.  The Bible also reminds us that if we're born of flesh, we're just flesh. But if we are born of Spirit, we are Spirit. (John 3:6) To be born of Spirit is to accept Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit. We go from Flesh to Spirit. This shows that we must have the Spirit to enter Heaven. It's our mark and proof that we know Jesus!


The Bible also says that God is Spirit and if we are to worship God, we have to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. We can't even worship God without the Holy Spirit. And if God is Spirit, then this is to say that we cannot worship God without God Himself being inside of us. wow!


The Holy Spirit is very important!  So why do we fail to acknowledge the Person of the Holy Spirit?

Jesus tells us that how much more would God the Father give us the Holy Spirit if we would just as. (Luke 11:13) This implies that we may have Him living inside of us, but boy, do we need to be filled with more of Him daily.


Before Jesus died, He asked God the Father to send the Holy Spirit as a Comforter for us. How much more Comfort can we have in our life, if we would just ask for more of the Holy Spirit? wow!


The Holy Spirit is vitally important, even for cleansing. The Spirit desires to cleanse us from within, daily. Yet our flesh doesn't want to be cleaned. David said it best, (Psalm 77:2), "My soul refused to be comforted". It's a good thing that the Holy Spirit is the Comforter inside of us, even when our soul and flesh want no part of it.


I took the picture from above, because I walk past this car every day in our apartment's parking garage. It's really dirty. Seems as though some people wrote, " Clean me", "wash me" and the word " No" on it. It reminded me of the spiritual battle inside of us.

The Spirit inside of our filthy bodies is saying " Clean Me" and the Flesh is saying " No".


We love our spiritual filth, even though we don't want to admit it. Whether it's too embarrassing to be cleaned, too much work, or maybe it's just comfortable to sit in because it makes us feel good.


But in order to be cleaned daily we have to admit that we need cleansing. That's repentance

Many of us don't want to humble ourselves to confessing our need of daily repentance and our need of Jesus.


How many of us aren't confessing and repenting what's weighing us down because of whatever position in? How many of us are afraid it will affect the way it makes us look?


What dirt are you holding on to? What dirt is your soul refusing comfort from? What filth is weighing you down?

Could it be attitude, anxiety, stress, ungratefulness, unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, past hurt, unfairness, mad at God, or even not spending time with Jesus?

Sadly, it appears that the car made its choice. Looking at the 2nd picture above, the request to be "cleaned" and "washed" was neglected and the conclusion was "No". Let's not be like this car, settling in our filth and choosing to let it rob us of rest.


If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to FORGIVE us and to CLEANSE us!


Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the dirt and allow Him to cleanse you from within! Find Rest!


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