You're Eating Too Fast!

Published on 25 July 2024 at 17:02

Be honest! Have you ever felt satisfied or good after eating fast? I'll be the first to say, "It's a no for me"

This thought came to my mind, as I was eating a bag of goldfish very quickly.  I started to get parched and choking a little. I thought, "why am I eating these so fast?" If I slow down, I could probably consume just as much, as I would if I ate fast. The difference is, I'm not at risk of choking myself or pain of swallowing more than my throat can handle.


Made me think, why do we put in our mouths more than we could swallow at one time. Why don't we just eat one by one? It may take 10 minutes to finish all as compared to just one minute, but at least we would enjoy it. Maybe each one has a different flavor. Maybe I'm missing out on how good they really taste because I'm eating so fast.


This made me think about the Bible and how much we try to digest in one day or time. In my past I used to do this but I'm thankful the Lord has changed me. I would read about 5-6 chapters a day or more to make me feel good. As if just because I'm reading more of the Bible in one day, I'm more spiritual. Or maybe God would be more pleased with me. Sadly, because I was reading so much, I was finding myself rushing through and consuming all of that in about 10-15 minutes. I was not allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to me or myself to truly digest what I was reading.


It was simply too much. I have found now in my walk with the Lord that just two chapters take me much longer. The digestion is different. The Holy Spirit is teaching me to slow down so that I can digest all the good flavors of His Word and hear what He wants to say to me. If I'm eating so quickly from the Word of God, I could miss out on the goodness that He has to say to me.

Reading so much of God's Word is no good if we're not allowing the Holy Spirit to allow the digestion. Digestion affects what's happens to us on the inside and makes the change on the inside.

There is nothing wrong with reading much of the Bible in one day. In fact it's a good thing, especially if we're learning and Holy Spirit is teaching us. But if we are doing it in a rushed time frame and learning zero, there is no benefit! I believe it is more about how fast we read it. The Lord desires that we would rest in His presence. Not rush in His presence.


I did research about eating fast versus slowly, and this is what I found.


Eating fast can affect digestion :
According to Googleeating too fast can make it harder to digest food. When you eat quickly, you might take larger bites and chew less, which can make it harder for your body to break down food. This can lead to indigestion, heartburn, and poor nutrient absorption. Eating too fast can also cause you to swallow more air, which can lead to bloating and gas.

Google says : Eating slowly and chewing food allows you to actually taste what you're consuming and enjoy the flavors,

Eating food fast does not make you feel full fast :
Google says : eating too fast can make it difficult to feel full because it takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to signal your brain that it's full. This gives your brain time to process fullness signals and trigger the feeling of being full, which can lead to eating less. When you eat quickly, you might consume more food than your body needs before you realize you're full, which can lead to overeating and weight gain.

Google says: Eating slowly is proven to benefit digestion and lead to a prolonged feeling of fullness.

Google says : The benefits of slow eating include better digestion, better hydration, easier weight loss or maintenance, and greater satisfaction with our meals. Meanwhile, eating quickly leads to poor digestion, increased weight gain, and lower satisfaction.


It is better physically to eat slower than it is to eat fast


The Bible is the Word that we can eat from daily. It is our daily Bread.  But eating it slowly to allow the digestion and the Holy Spirit to speak is spiritually healthier than it is to consume a large amount of it in a small-time frame and leave with nothing satisfying.


Every time we open the Word of God, He is teaching us something. But if we don't give Him time to speak to use, we will never learn anything.


May Jesus continue to slow us down enough to digest His Bread slowly

I don't want to be bloated in God's Word; I want to be full in God's Word!


Eating slow promotes fullness. Eating fast promotes bloat and gas.

You're not full if the food is not digested. You're just bloated.

It's harder to digest food when you're bloated.


May we not be so proud about how much we ate but about how much we digested!

I want to eat slower so that I can digest more and be Full of the Holy Spirit.


Just because we eat doesn't mean we're digesting well!


If we're full of Jesus, then we can be full of His Rest!


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Kay Hawkins
3 months ago

Kim, what a blessing this was!! Such a challenge and so true! I have been working on this in my life - not just checking off boxes, but really getting something! Luv to you and Dave! (Mama H)