House of Prayer

Published on 11 July 2024 at 18:32

How often do you ponder the insane reality that your body is where the Holy Spirit lives? Our body is the present home for the Holy Spirit, on this Earth. The Presence of God lives can live inside of us. That's insane!

I took a picture of these clouds today and I see a heart. Boy does Jesus love us! He will do anything to show us that. He will do anything to spend time with us and talk with us.


In the Old Testament of the Bible, you will find in Exodus how God used people to build His Temple and then He put His presence in there. The Temple was made the host the literal presence of God.


Fast forward to the New Testament, Jesus says that our bodies are NOW the Temple of God. It is no longer a building; it is our bodies. Those that know Jesus, make up one big Temple of God (Church) that the Presence of God dwells in. Wow! You can find this in I Corinthians 6:19-20.


However, In Luke 19:45-48, you find a story about Jesus walking into a literal Temple (a church building) and He's upset. He saw people using the Temple to sell things and buy things, but not using it for its purpose. Jesus kicks them out because He states that His House is called the House of Prayer.


Well how does this apply to us now? This made me think that if Jesus says His House, the Temple, is called the House of Prayer, and if our bodies are now the Temple of God, wouldn't this mean that our bodies should be used as a House of Prayer?


Jesus said they had turned the Temple into a den of thieves. Many of us have turned our bodies into a den of thieves, allowing things to come in and out of a property that does not belong to us? Jesus said that our bodies are not our own. We can't just do whatever we want with what doesn't belong to us.


How many of us use our bodies to pray more than we use it to gossip, complain, be angry, watch things that we shouldn't and go places we shouldn't? If our bodies house the Presence of God, shouldn't we be using it to talk to Him more? 


Are we using our bodies, this Temple, to talk to Jesus?

Jesus says that His House is a house of prayer.


It is easier now, more than ever, to come to Jesus for rest

Why? Because He's literally living right inside of us. We don't have to go through great lengths to find Him.

If we've accepted Him, He's right there.


However, if we're not using our bodies, which is the Temple of God, as a House of Prayer, we will miss out on the personal relationship with Jesus. And boy does Jesus Love us!


If we used our bodies to talk to Jesus more than we used it for other things, I'm sure we will find ourselves at more rest.


May we use our bodies more to talk to Jesus! Prayer is simply talking to Jesus. 

He's real, He's alive, and He's our Friend.


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