The God Of Today!

Published on 26 September 2024 at 13:21

Is the God of Bible stories, the God of today in your own life?

Many of us are very good at telling stories of what God did in the past, from Bible stories. We have them memorized and we tell them as if we were there. We are very good at bragging on the God of the Bible times, but what about today?
What is He doing in your life today?


He is alive! The same God from the past is alive today, except this time, He lives in those that accept Him.

How many of us can tell stories of what God did in the past from the Bible or what He's done or doing in other people's lives, but can't tell stories of what He's doing in our lives today?


We often treat the God of today as if He was only an amazing and supernatural God of the past.

We tend to believe what was written but live a life as if He's not doing supernatural things today.

We find ourselves saying things like " that was the past. He's not doing stuff like that today".


Truth is, just because we can't see Him doing stuff like that today doesn't mean it's not happening.  Nor does it mean that He can't do those things today. When we talk like this, we reveal the lack of faith that we really do have in Him. We also belittle His supernatural power and superiority over us. This ultimately can prevent people from coming to Jesus or seeing Jesus alive through us. Our lack of faith undermines the power of our Alive God. 


Maybe we're not seeing the God of yesterday to be alive today in our own lives, because we don't truly believe Him to be the God of today!

It's easy to talk about things of yesterday because they're stories that happened to others. But talking about the God of today in our lives, reflects the belief of who He really is to us. If we can't talk about the God of today in our lives, then it reflects that we have not and are not experiencing the alive God that He is, because of our lack of Faith.


In the book of Mark, Jesus could not do any miracles in his hometown, except a few small things, because of their lack of faith. Imagine the power of God's work being prevented simply because of our lack of faith. wow!


I'm also reminded of David and Goliath. David saw God rescue him from the lion and bear . David knew it was God who rescued him and He gave glory to God for it. Then when he faced the giant Goliath, he remembered the God of yesterday could be the God of today. If the God of yesterday can deliver him from a lion and bear, surely that same God can deliver him from a giant. 


David got to see the God of yesterday become the God of his "today," But what if he didn't believe the delivery from the lion and bear was God? What if he thought it was his own strength that delivered him? Could this have caused him to miss the God of yesterday? Many of us don't recognize God to be the God of today, because in our yesterday deliveries, we thought it was us or just coincidence or maybe just "life".  Our lack of Glory to God can cause us to miss the God of yesterday that we need for today!

It's almost impossible to see what you don't believe.


The pictures above are pictures of a sweet girl by the name of Kaelyn, that I met at Barnes & Nobles in NYC, a couple of weeks before I moved to Nashville. These pictures are proof of an alive God in my life and in hers. There is a crazy story behind the pictures as I watched a Bible story completely unfold and become alive right before my very eyes.


Check out tomorrow's Podcast Episode (Post on: September 27, 2024/Entitled: "The God of Today") on either YouTube, Spotify or Apple! I will be sharing what Bible story it was and how it unfolded before me as Jesus made the words of His Word come to life in my life! I will also be tying this in with the topic of Rest.


What has the God of today been doing in your life? Do you have a story?

If so, please share! The more we share what God is doing in our lives TODAY, the more others can come to know the Jesus of Yesterday, TODAY & Forever!


When we don't share, the faith meter goes down and less people come to know an Alive God. When we don't share, we end up keeping God as just a God in the Bible.

What has the God of Today been doing in your life?



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