The Lord Controls The Womb

Published on 19 September 2024 at 18:45

...but the LORD had shut up her womb...

The above picture is a quick "one-line" art, sketch I did a couple of years ago. It reminds me of today's blog.


Read I Samuel 1 when you get the chance. It's a beautiful story about conception and birth.


Many women have been told that because of health they could never conceive. Yet over and over again, God proves that He's in control of the womb. I've seen that many times health factors only grow us closer to Jesus in our Faith and Trust in Him.


Sometimes we think it's all about health problems and other factors that prevents birth,
but ultimately, the womb belongs to the Lord.


Only the Lord can open it and only the Lord can close it. Everything else is secondary. I believe health can be factors that the Lord uses but the Lord ultimately opens and closes a womb. It's all His Creation.


 Sometimes we can get wrapped in the causes of our circumstances and indirectly have our attention focused on them, when our focus could be wrapped up in the Power and Glory of our God.


Here we see the Lord doing this to Hannah and then her "adversary"/rival, Peninnah, decides to mock Hannah for having her womb closed by the Lord. Imagine constantly being reminded that the situation you're in is because the Lord did that to you.? Instead of it being stated in a positive way that the Lord knows what He's doing, it's being brought to you as if the Lord has cursed you.


What the Lord did to Hannah was not a curse, it was an " on hold"/ " not here"/ " not now" or a " I have something better" type situation. This is never bad because the Lord can only do good.


He literally closed Hannah's womb which also means that He can open it right back up whenever He wants and close it back up.

This was not a curse just a revelation that He's in control of anything that we birth for His Glory.


However, the adversary knows how to use that against us. As we wait on the birth of whatever and whenever the Lord wants to birth through us, the enemy will start to show us everyone's else's birth and plant seeds in our minds that we're useless, we have no blessings of the Lord and we're fruitless. He will ultimately get our minds off of the beauty that " our lack of birth is the Lord's doing because He has a greater purpose and time for when He would like us to give birth to His gift inside of us! "


Many of us have gifts that we desire the Lord to birth through us, but He's closed up the womb for whatever reason He desires. I'm talking spiritually here. I am not just talking about physically having a baby.


May we be encouraged to know that the womb is still there. Just because the Lord isn't allowing anything to be birthed from it right now doesn't mean He can't cause it to give birth when He desires. He's closed it for His Glory and can open it for His Glory as well.


The enemy will discourage us to the point of no eating and weeping but may we remember that the Lord is in control of the womb and that's what is so frightening to the enemy.


He knows that once that womb is opened, only blessings of the Lord can come from it as God gets all the glory.

To get upset at a closed womb, which is ultimately being upset with the Lord, is the goal of the enemy.  The enemy knows how to turn what is good of the Lord into something that is bad, in our hearts.


Even if the Lord never opens the womb that He's closed, He is still more than enough because He's given us His very Life.

His Life in us, allows us to birth Life out of us, by bearing all the fruits that come with the Life of Jesus.


May we rest in knowing today that the Lord is control of the womb!

It is always His mighty hand and His outstretched arms that frees us and gives us rest.


If this has encouraged you, please share with a friend!

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Kay Hawkins
20 days ago

You have such a beautiful gift of communicating and writing! Thank you for sharing!

Weight For Rest
13 days ago

Thank you so much for your constant kind words of encouragement and support!