Tightly Shut

Published on 8 August 2024 at 15:05

What's tightly securing you from having Rest? Have you ever sat down and asked Jesus to reveal this to you?

Reminds me of a story in Joshua 6.


Jericho was promised to the Israelites.  However, the Bible reveals to us that Jericho was tightly secure.  No one could get in or get out. So how in the world could they go and take what God promised them if it was impossible to obtain?


What's impossible with man, is possible with God!


In this story, we see the Lord tears down the impossible, so that what was tightly secured was no longer a barrier.

All they had to do was walk around the barrier as God tore the barrier to the ground.

All they had to do was trust God to remove the barrier Himself.


Nothing is too tightly secured that Jesus can't break down!


Jesus has promised rest to those who come to them. However, there are many things preventing us from obtaining rest from Jesus.

We typically like to point to the world and the circumstances of this world to being our problem of rest.  We rarely point at ourselves.


The promise of Rest in this world, is a gift that happens Within us. Jesus GIVES rest.  Yet many of us have things within us that is a barrier to the Rest that Jesus wants to give.


He can tear down what's tightly securing you from your rest in Him.


The questions are:

1. Do we believe we need some tearing down inside of us?

2. Are we willing to let Jesus reveal what needs to be torn down within us? 

3. Do we trust Jesus to tear it down?

4. Are we willing to confess our need of Jesus' help?

5. Are we willing to let Jesus tear it down?


Come to Jesus and He will GIVE rest.


How does this change your perspective about Rest?

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