Jesus says to Come to Him and He will give us Rest. Rests for our souls. Not our bodies

This week it hit me that Jesus gives Rest for our souls and not our bodies. I've read Matthew 11: 28,29 many times, but I don't think it sunk in in this capacity before.
In these verses, Jesus conveys with us to come to Him if we're burdened or tired and He will give rest. He also encourages us to take His yoke and to learn of Him. He even tells us about Himself, that He's meek and lowly. That's what we will be learning if we choose to take Jesus' yoke. But then at the end He says that we will find rest for our SOULS.
This hit me, because I know that so often, we look for rest in any way that will make our body's feel rested. This could be things such as yoga, naps, vacation, meditation or whatever we choose. While all of these things are good, they do not change what is happening in our souls.
When Jesus came to die for us, He didn't come to die just to save bodies that will soon turn back into dust. He came to save the souls that are inside of each body. Each soul has an eternal end.
Our souls reflect our own way, and our own will. Our souls communicate to our bodies what it wants the body to do. Imagine if our souls were at rest? Imagine if our souls ceased from working. Meaning it ceased from its own will and its own way? Wouldn't the body follow?
Many of us have been trying to obtain rest that our souls are telling us will work. We try to obtain it to satisfy the body, but it only leads to temporary rest for the body and no effect on the Soul. It also leads to much disappointment, stress, failure and more.
Jesus came to give rest to the Soul. Not the body!
Is your SOUL at rest?
If your soul is not at rest, please know that there is no work you can do for your soul to have rest and there is no work you can do to pay Jesus back for the rest your soul has.
To have rest in your soul, you must submit and surrender your soul into the hands of Jesus, who gives rest.
This will CEASE ALL WORK from us and MAKE ALIVE ALL WORK of Jesus, inside of us.
If we submit our soul into the hands of Jesus, this makes us dead and Him alive.
If we submit our soul into the hands of Jesus, He will cause our body to obey His commands and He will cause us to appear GOOD in the sight of God.
Do you believe that? Do you believe that if you cease, Jesus will CAUSE you to do His Good works through your body?
Or do you think He needs you to help Him out?
This takes total faith and surrender to the hands of Jesus Christ.
If we're not able to have faith in this, then we must understand that God cannot and will not be pleased with any good works coming from our hands. The work must come from the hands of Jesus that were nailed on the cross. He alone can complete all work perfectly in the eyes of God.
Do you desire to have rest for your SOUL? Or are you satisfied with finding rest in your own hardworking way?
Come to Jesus
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