The things going on inside of us is killing us quicker than the things going on around us.

Today I ask you, what's going on inside of you?
I'm not asking about what's going on around you and not what's going on in someone else. What's going on inside of you?
Rest is a gift from Jesus for our internal needs. It is the result of change internally.
Here's the dilemma. WE CAN'T CHANGE OURSELVES!
Many of us have been walking around with pain and hurt for years. We keep saying, "I'll get over it. I'll get passed it. I'm not going to bring it up. I just have to move on. It's ok. Eventually it won't matter. I'm not a baby. I'm being the bigger person ". Meanwhile, the pain is only growing into a large tree inside of us. We make all of the excuses to not change instead of admitting that we're trying to change ourselves but keep failing.
It's so hard to admit that we can't change ourselves because it makes us feel, look, and appear helpless. But isn't that the truth? We are completely helpless without Jesus.
It is completely impossible for us to go inside of ourselves and change bitterness, anger, or pain. These are things in the invisible that only an invisible God can fix
So I ask again:
What's hurting you on the inside?
What is it?
Understand that it's slowly killing you and you can't change any of it!
The inside of you is crying out for Rest
Jesus Christ is trying to answer your internal cry for rescue.
He specializes in saving hearts and giving Rest.
Jesus does not condemn you for not being able to change yourself. He knows that. That's why He came to die to be that change for us.
We only condemn ourselves. He's simply waiting for us to permit Him to be the change we need inside of us.
Maybe we run from being changed by Jesus because we don't like change, and we know that change will hurt. Or maybe we don't let Jesus change us because we actually love the affirmation our pain gives us.
I want to encourage you that it isn't until you admit that you can't change yourself that you will be at Rest inside.
Is our pride worth the pain that we face inside of us?
Jesus would never do what He can't follow through with. He wants your pain, and He wants to be all that comes with what the change will entail. This could be comfort, protection, peace, healing, mercy, grace. He just needs your submission to start making those changes
What's going on inside of you? Do you see that it's destroying you? Are you ready to be freed?
Come to Jesus!