What God Sees!

Published on 9 May 2024 at 18:01

Knowing how filthy we are, why and how could God ever use us? Can't He see the filth and see that we are unfit?

You're probably wondering, "What in the world does those pictures have to do with anything?" Here's the story behind those pictures.


Yesterday, I took a walk to pray. As I was praying for a friend who has been struggling to see how, why or when God could use them because of their past, a beautiful thought came to my mind.


I was reminded of Jesus' death. When He died, His perfect Life became a blanket that covers our filth. His blood cleansed us.

If we accept Jesus, God can look at us and not see:

1. A filthy body

2. A filthy heart

3. A filthy heart

4. A filthy soul



God now sees:


1. Jesus' clean body

2. Jesus' clean mind

3. Jesus' clean heart

4. Jesus' clean Spirit


The Life of Jesus guards God's eyes from seeing the filth of who we really are!

How beautiful and restful is this? 


After this thought came to my mind, I ran into the two crosses on the concrete, that you see in the pictures above. I took pictures of them because each one reminded me of Jesus. They both have a rock next to the cross.


The first picture:  The rock is next to the heart, reminding me that upon the death of Jesus, He replaced our filthy heart with His clean, loving, and strong heart


The second picture:  The rock is next to the head, reminding me that upon the death of Jesus, He replaced our filthy minds with His strong and clean mind


Now when God looks at us, He can see His Son's mind and His Son's heart!

Jesus cleanses us through His Word and His Spirit daily, so that God can see a clean slate.


Are you struggling with the thought of self-blame, and you don't think God sees any good in you?

I want to encourage you, if you've accepted Jesus, it is not you God sees, when He looks at you. He sees His Perfect Son!


How has this given you rest today? Comment below!



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