Welcome to Weight for Rest

Jesus says to Come to Him and He will give us Rest. If anyone desires Rest that only comes from Jesus, they MUST be willing to

let Jesus stoop down and clean up their mess for them! Jesus wants our mess, so that we may Rest in Him!


Connect with Me

My Book

I believe God called me to write a book about His Rest on February 24, 2023. As He's been teaching me, He has shown me that this is His book! I am simply a vessel to share the good news of Rest that only comes from God and through Jesus Christ!

My Podcast

Weight for Rest Podcast launched on January 1, 2024!

Ladies, I have great news! No matter your age and stage of life, this is for you! There is a way to Rest in the midst of all of our mental, physical and spiritual chaos. And it's not temporal. God has given me a desire to share the things He has been teaching me about His Rest and it's so relieving! I cannot keep it to myself. As you listen, I hope it encourages you to crave the Presence of God, so that you may experience His unfailing and everlasting Rest too!

Notes of Encouragement

Encouraging Notes and thoughts about God's Rest!

About Me

Hello! My name is Kimberly Hawkins and I'm the website host and the writer for "Weight for Rest". On February 10, 2023, my church invited a speaker to come and speak with our Marriage Ministry.  This speaker shared how he struggled with knowing his purpose in life. One day God showed him that he had been harboring past hurt and needed to be freed from that bitterness and unforgiveness. On this particular day, I was truly inspired because I myself had been harboring some past hurts from my childhood. I asked the Lord to help me truly forgive the hurt that was caused to me and to free me from that bitterness. February 24, 2023, I truly believe the Lord called me to start this journey of His Rest. I didn't understand it at first. In fact, it didn't seem like it was from God at all. How could I talk about the topic of Rest, when I myself never rested? In my mind, I was completely unqualified. And that's exactly where He wanted me to be. On October 26th I left my job to pursue this calling. It is both honorable and humbling to know that our Creator desires for us to give Him our heavy weights and burdens of this world in exchange for His Son and His Rest! As I share the things, I believe God is teaching me about His Rest, I hope you will join me on this journey of learning together!